Vers une entreprise progressiste||Shifting Toward a Progressive Company
Alors que le gouvernement français a invité les entrepreneurs, les parties prenantes, vous et moi à contribuer à une nouvelle consultation sur le projet de loi sur l'investissement et la croissance des entreprises - Plan d'action pour la croissance et la transformation des entreprises (PACTE), les professionnels français devraient rouvrir le document et trouvez l'inspiration.
As the French government invited entrepreneurs, stakeholders, you and I to contribute to a new consultation on the Bill on Company Investment and Growth—Plan d'action pour la croissance et la transformation des entreprises (PACTE), French business professionals should reopen the document and find inspiration.
«Ils peuvent refuser des revenus élevés qui vont à l'encontre des intérêts à long terme de leur activité; ils peuvent également établir des moyens plus démocratiques et plus ouverts de travailler ensemble ... En ayant le pouvoir d'instaurer une véritable transformation, les entreprises peuvent jouer un rôle clé dans développer le modèle d'entreprise progressiste, qui repose davantage sur l'être et un peu moins sur l'avoir. "
Changer la donne
Une méfiance généralisée à l'égard des institutions se développe parmi les gens depuis près de 20 ans maintenant, et les entreprises, en particulier les grandes, ne font pas exception; les scandales Enron, Parmalat et Worldcom ne seront pas oubliés dans un proche avenir. Cependant, malgré la financiarisation des entreprises, faut-il vraiment un amalgame entre les mondes financier et corporatif? Oublions-nous que ce qui anime le développement des régions et des pays, ce sont bien les entreprises?
"They can refuse high income that goes against the long-term interests of their activity; they can also establish more democratic and more open ways to work together... By having the power to institute real transformation, companies can play a key role in developing the progressive company model, which is based more on being and a bit less on having."
The article discusses an overview of the work undertaken by a group of French business professionals for whom changing our economic model has become crucial.
Their proposals target Company Leaders, Managers and Directors wishing to become a game changer without waiting for the enactment of new local or international legislation or framework agreements that may - or may not - promote change; none of the recommendations herein are intended for the authorities.
Even though it is evident that a new project or company could easily incorporate these new management approaches, which are indeed challenging, applying the new way of conducting business described hereinafter enables leaders to voluntarily promote progress, regardless of the age or size of their organization. This document does not contain any proposed deadlines:
Every firm should evolve its corporate model according to its own needs and resources. This document starts by discussing how important it is to take action before defining what a progressive company is and how it stands apart from other types of firms. Next, the strategy of a progressive company is examined in terms of its objectives and their relationship to the global performance concept. Then, levers for progress are reviewed for each of the key areas in which the progressive company creates shared value. Each lever corresponds to one of the five stakeholders to be taken into consideration. This contribution culminates with the presentation of a self-assessment tool that addresses the levers of progress for these different areas; it is a tool for managers who resolutely wish to instigate change or accelerate progress.
Changing the game
A generalized mistrust of institutions has been developing among people for nearly 20 years now, and companies, especially big ones, are no exception; the Enron, Parmalat and Worldcom scandals will not be forgotten in the near future. However, despite the financialization of firms, does there really need to be an amalgam between the financial and corporate worlds? Are we forgetting that what drives the development of regions and countries is indeed companies?
In France, the 5,000 medium-sized firms (that is, companies with fewer than 5,000 employees), 140,000 small-to-medium sized firms (SME, that is firms with fewer than 250 employees) and 3 million microenterprises (with fewer than 10 employees) contribute over 67% of company-generated GDP and 70% of employment in terms of number of jobs.
Growth, purchasing power, domestic wealth... all of these factors depend on companies. Innovation starts in companies. "Company" is also, or should be, synonymous with "breeding ground for the success of all"; career is a key element of self-fulfilment and happiness.
The advent of the progressive company concept is crucial for three reasons:[…]